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EGMR, Entscheidung vom 30.08.2010 - Statement of Facts, 37159/09, H.A.U. (engl.) - M18282

Anhängiges Verfahren eines somalischen Flüchtlings wegen drohender Überstellung nach der Dublin II-VO von Finnland nach Italien. Fraglich ist, ob Italien die Mindeststandards der Aufnahmerichtlinie gewährt und eine hinreichende Altersfeststellung vorgenommen wurde (es ist streitig, ob der Beschwerdeführer minderjährig ist).

Schlagwörter: Dublin II-VO, Dublinverfahren, Italien, Finnland, Somalia, unbegleitete Minderjährige, Identitätsfeststellung, Selbsteintritt, Aufnahmebedingungen, Refoulement, Inhaftierung, Suspensiveffekt, Rechtsweggarantie, Altersfeststellung
Normen: VO 343/2003 Art. 10 Abs. 1, VO 343/2003 Art. 3 Abs. 2, EMRK Art. 3, EMRK Art. 13



Factual questions:

How and to what extent have the Finnish authorities satisfied themselves that the reception conditions of the applicant, if removed to Italy, will comply with the Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers having regard, in particular, to the fact that the applicant claims to be an unaccompanied minor and to his account concerning his previous stay in Italy?

Having regard to the applicant's account concerning his age, what steps have the Government taken to ensure that he is over eighteen, as found by the Finnish Immigration Service? In particular, has an age determination of the applicant been conducted?

Question on the admissibility and merits of the complaint:

In the light of the applicant's claims and the documents which have been submitted, would he face a real risk of being subjected to treatment in breach of Article 3 of the Convention if the removal order were enforced? [...]